Monday 23 September 2013

Christ, I can't believe it's been nearly two and a half years since I last posted on here. How the time flies. In that time, we've had many, many great movies - Avengers Assemble, Iron Man 3, RED 1 and 2, The Dark Knight Rises and The Last Stand - as well as some fairly average movies (I'm looking at you, "Incredible" Spider-Man"), and some downright awful movies - Sharknado and Ghost Shark, to name a couple. Much has changed in the world - Margaret Thatcher has died, and the truth has come out about Hillsborough, not to mention my drawn-out divorce has been finalized.

And so, what have we learned? Not much - Hollywood will quite happily go on making movies we'll adore for years to come, and movies we'll forget about five minutes after leaving the multiplex, rebooting already existing franchises for the sake of gain (please...if you can't come up with anything original, just let Kevin Smith write and/or direct everything. And yes, I do mean everything. But then again, Shane Black's quite good...imagine those two as a creative team!)

Wednesday 4 May 2011

30 pictures of Star Wars behind the scenes

The Terminator

Hollywood is abuzz at the moment with talk of the new Terminator movie. Former Governor Arnold has apparently signed on, and there has also been talk of Michael Biehn and Linda Hamilton will also sign up (also how true this is is unsure, as Biehn apparently didn't think too much of Terminator:Salvation)

I personally hope this is all just rumour, as I don't think we really need to see the now-63-year-old Austrian oak asking bikers to give him their clothes, their boots, and their motorcycle.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Music in movies

What are your favourite movie soundtracks? It can be anything - from John Williams' score for Superman, to The Sound of Music. Anything goes.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Favourite movies

Here, in no particular order, is a list of my favourite movies...some new, some old, all awesome in my opinion

The Blues Brothers
Inglourious Basterds
The Thing
The Dark Knight
Reservoir Dogs
An American Werewolf in London
The Terminator

Feel free to add your own movies to this list. I like to find out what everyone watches and likes, and even your guilty pleasures.

The Dark Knight...rises?

Is anyone else getting fed up of the constant rumour-mill surrounding the new Batman movie and who is playing what character? Latest news was that Joseph-Gordon Levitt was to play The Holiday Killer, aka Alphonse Falcone...but today we hear, he's not. I personally am not that bothered, as long as Christopher Nolan delivers the movie we all hope he will, does it matter?