Monday 23 September 2013

Christ, I can't believe it's been nearly two and a half years since I last posted on here. How the time flies. In that time, we've had many, many great movies - Avengers Assemble, Iron Man 3, RED 1 and 2, The Dark Knight Rises and The Last Stand - as well as some fairly average movies (I'm looking at you, "Incredible" Spider-Man"), and some downright awful movies - Sharknado and Ghost Shark, to name a couple. Much has changed in the world - Margaret Thatcher has died, and the truth has come out about Hillsborough, not to mention my drawn-out divorce has been finalized.

And so, what have we learned? Not much - Hollywood will quite happily go on making movies we'll adore for years to come, and movies we'll forget about five minutes after leaving the multiplex, rebooting already existing franchises for the sake of gain (please...if you can't come up with anything original, just let Kevin Smith write and/or direct everything. And yes, I do mean everything. But then again, Shane Black's quite good...imagine those two as a creative team!)

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